Skip La Cour's Best-Selling
Thinking Big
Bodybuilding and Training
Motivational and Mental Toughness
eBook Series
$54.97 Value
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I am giving you my "Thinking Big Ebook Series" absolutely FREE!

Many people overwhelm themselves with too much bodybuilding and training information. So much so, they have a difficult time making a decision on which training program or eating plan to use. With the right MINDSET, you can make just about any training or eating strategy work for you. Even if you haven't found the "perfect" methods yet, you can confidently be productive until you eventually do.

That's why I am so passionate about helping you use the POWER of YOUR MIND to the fullest. It is the most valuable bodybuilding tool you have available to you.

Please make good use of these gifts. These ebooks have helped help thousands of people just like from around the world reach their bodybuilding and training goals for many years.

Thinking Big
Mental Strategies to Take Your Drug-Free Training to a Higher Level of Efficiency!
Regular Price $14.99 - 165 pages, text only

Thinking Big II:
Aspiring To A Higher Level Of Bodybuilding Achievement!
Regular Price $19.99 - 309 pages, text only

Thinking Big: The Next Level Workbook
Regular Price $19.99 - 220 pages, inspirational color pictures included.

Train Hard. Think Big.

Skip La Cour
Six-Time National Champion Bodybuilder
Owner of Mass Machine Nutrition

What's so AWESOME about this special "Results University" Digital Download Video Library is that you can actually see what intense, heavy training is all about and much, much more. There are hours of verbal instruction and seminar footage too where I'll teach YOU how to take your efforts to a higher level.

Make sure that you learn more about your investment and click the links to read what you'll get with each video file and watch the trailers.

After you place your order, you'll be able to immediately download ALL of my 26 hours; 8 DVD titles; more than 38 intense workouts; 46 video files to your own computer.

You'll have them on your own computer forever to review whenever you need them.

Plus, your get the MANformation Alpha Leadership Course FREE (99.97 Value)

After you place your order, you will receive an email that will direct you a page where you can download each of the video files.

I'm not doing this comprehensive bodybuilding and training course (plaus MANformation) justice here. You've have to go to the page and see EVERYTHING you get!

There are also weekly podcasted lessons each for the students enrolled in "Results University" to keep you on track!

Click Here to learn more!