March 22, 2013

Hi. It's Skip La Cour.

Successfully launching Mass Machine Nutrition onto the market and having several very well-received articles on over the past couple of years has brought 1,000s of new fitness-minded people into my circles. These people are of different ages and have many different levels of bodybuilding knowledge and experience. Many never even knew I was a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder or ever heard of my intense and heavy Mass Machine Training style.

I get asked dozens of times every single week "Skip, What do you think of THIS training program?" and "What do you think of THAT eating plan?"

Here's something I recently posted on my Facebook Page:

"I've noticed through my experiences in this bodybuilding and fitness industry that people enter this world and NEED it to be "black-and-white"—or they just don't function very well.

There are a lot of coaches, gurus, and experts who will make it black-and-white for you, if that's what you need. ‘This is right. That is wrong. Use this strategy. Do NOT use that strategy’ they'll all tell you with absolute certainty.

I firmly believe that the most successful people in life can operate effectively, efficiently, and with poise ‘in the grey.’

With that being said, I can promise you this: If you were to block out all of the other information that's available and just listen to that one person who you've selected as a mentor—and you made it black-and-white in your OWN mind—you will get at least some decent results.

If you do it for a long enough period of time, you'll earn the practical experience and insight on how to make necessary changes that can take YOU to the next, higher level.

If you keep on bouncing around from one strategy to another, you aren't going to make any measurable progress or earn any real practical experience.

Of course, you must choose your mentor wisely. But what's most important is that you choose ONE at a time."

What I want for you are outstanding RESULTS! That’s what matters most.

Working in the personal development, peak performance, and motivation field for over two decades, I realize that different people are “turned on” by different styles and strategies. To say that there is only ONE way to accomplish your goals simply isn't true.

As I mentioned, I get asked about a lot of different programs. I check them out and, if I see value in them, I will let you know about them.

I want to provide you with some OPTIONS on your way to success. Although you all LOVE my highest-quality Mass Machine Nutrition supplements, I know my that hardcore bodybuilding style and approach to training and eating doesn't appeal to everyone. That’s fine. Your RESULTS are what’s most important to me.

Coming Soon: Skip La Cour Reviews

I want to help you. I am going to use my almost 25 years of experience and start giving my reviews on the bodybuilding and training information out there. If you want to send me a personal email or a Facebook post to ask me about a particular program, I may review it. I might not. If I don’t see any value in the program, I’m not even going to mention it. I’d rather do it that way than to publicly call it out and rip it apart.

When I recently mentioned IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben "BPak" Pakulski’s MI40 Training System, it confused some of my longtime students. When you check out this program, you’ll see its outstanding presentation and the tons of solid bodybuilding and training information it provides. For many people, it is the perfect fit for their personality and thinking patterns.

If you are one of my longtime students, keep doing what you are doing if it is working for you. Of course, I firmly believe every single word I’ve told you in the past. Your level of certainty in what you are doing should NEVER be rocked by anyone (even me) if you are getting RESULTS. Remember that.

Are we perfectly clear on that? Let me know.

I now have quite a few women in my circles. That’s a big change. That’s why I mentioned the Curvalicious Step-By-Step Training System for Women. Flavia is a woman; relates extremely well to women, and effectively speaks the language (so to speak). Those qualities have massive importance when looking for the “right” mentor and set of strategies. If you’re are a man and can’t get your wife or girlfriend to train because she can’t relate to your style, be a hero and get her this program. Remember, RESULTS are what matter most.

Nutrition is a HUGE topic on the internet these days!

You already know about my tremendously effective Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding Nutrition Program. But, hell. I’d have to be living under a rock to not understand that many people are not so hardcore and are looking for eating strategies that are more fun and have a lot of variety.

That’s why I recently mentioned the extremely popular and best-selling Anabolic Cooking Cookbook and its complete system with a hell of a lot of valuable extras. You can certainly get the job done when you follow this program exactly as it is outlined. This program gives you VARIETY and spells it out for you—something many of you absolutely must have to stay sane and keep on track.

I hope that clears a few things up.

Train Hard. Think Big.

Skip La Cour

P.S. Check out the brand-new video with me telling my story and explaining the reasons why I created the extremely powerful MANformation Personal Development Program for Men! I’m sure you’ll learn a few things about me that you didn't already know.

Oh, and if you guys want to go straight to the “How To Get The Girls” information and worry about improving yourself later, you want to check out the Tao of Badass program.

On second thought, you need BOTH programs if you want to be truly MANformed sooner rather than later.

Skip La Cour's Best-Selling
Thinking Big
Bodybuilding and Training
Motivational and Mental Toughness
eBook Series
$54.97 Value
Yours Absolutely FREE!

I am giving you my "Thinking Big Ebook Series" absolutely FREE!

Many people overwhelm themselves with too much bodybuilding and training information. So much so, they have a difficult time making a decision on which training program or eating plan to use. With the right MINDSET, you can make just about any training or eating strategy work for you. Even if you haven't found the "perfect" methods yet, you can confidently be productive until you eventually do.

That's why I am so passionate about helping you use the POWER of YOUR MIND to the fullest. It is the most valuable bodybuilding tool you have available to you.

Please make good use of these gifts. These ebooks have helped help thousands of people just like from around the world reach their bodybuilding and training goals for many years.

Thinking Big
Mental Strategies to Take Your Drug-Free Training to a Higher Level of Efficiency!
Regular Price $14.99 - 165 pages, text only

Thinking Big II:
Aspiring To A Higher Level Of Bodybuilding Achievement!
Regular Price $19.99 - 309 pages, text only

Thinking Big: The Next Level Workbook
Regular Price $19.99 - 220 pages, inspirational color pictures included


You want some controversial--but HIGHLY EFFECTIVE--"How To Get the Girl" Advice?

Just realize that, if I am posting this for you to read, it MUST have value.

Click Here to watch the video about this program I referring to.

Click Here to watch the video about this program I referring to.