"I just purchased your seminar videos. Man! What a learning experience.
I am looking forward to checking out your training journal. Keep up the great
Chris Domrese
Charleston, SC
"I have been a fan of yours for a few years now. You are a true
inspiration to me. I have your book Thinking Big and your Live Seminar Videos.
Both the book and the videos are very helpful and motivational. You are a great
role model for those of us that choose to train naturally."
David Pinkosky
Connellsville, PA
"I talked my wife into ordering your seminar video for me. I thought it
was very real world, no bull, like you say. It contained facts I pretty much
already knew, but I wasn't practicing. Shortly after I got her to order Thinking
Big for me and your Mass Machine training video. I was honestly speechless
during the video. My wife walked in when I was watching it and said, ‘He doesn’t
talk in this video?’ I replied, ‘He doesn’t have to!’. Thank you for
defining intensity. You were right, I thought I was training hard. I’m a local
Police Officer and have gotten fed up with the drug use in the sport. I started
buying Ironman magazine again about six months ago and became interested in what
you have to say. I have never used drugs and I'm going to find out what my true
potential is. Thank you for breaking the ‘four-minute mile’ for us drug free
Dennis Quinn
West Milford, NJ
"I recently bought the Video Special Package that includes the Live Bodybuilding
And Training Seminar video. I sat in complete awe as I watched all of the videos during a
24 hour time span. You were simply amazing to look at, but also to listen to. During the
seminar, I began to look at training styles and my life as a personal trainer in a
completely different light. Thank you for your insightful and simplistic message. It gives
me added strength to see and hear that someone else has done exactly the same thing that I
have done...and has succeed. While doing the Personal Power Series, I listed you as one of
the people that I would like to sit down and talk with. Thanks again."
Jill Marie DeHaan
Personal Trainer
Shaping Dreams Into Reality
Ann Arbor, MI
"I just wanted to send you some feedback on your videos. Only one word can be used
to describe them, AWESOME! The first video of the Bodybuilding and Training Seminar was my
favorite and also Dare to Dream was the second. I could not help but think to myself of
what someone (I can't remember whom) said about "Arnold" in Pumping Iron, he was
so natural because he had not taken any acting lessons yet and I feel the same way about
you. Everything from your body language to your expressions were so natural. I am glad
that my wife got these videos for me. As I told her, this truly was the best Christmas
present (next to the birth of my daughter on 24 Nov. '99) that anyone has ever gotten for
me. This may sound a little strange, but while watching Dare to Dream, I felt as though I
wanted to go the gym, but also as you were doing some of your poses I could not help but
feel as though my biceps were tightening up or that my muscles were being flexed as yours
were. Since I am in the military, I have two and half years left here in Spain and
afterwards I am going to try to be stationed at Edwards AFB, CA. Once there I would love
to come and meet you in person or maybe even train with you. Then after establishing
myself there, NOW that I am "Thinking Big", I would like to see how I do in the
competitive shows in the "mecca". Thank you. I know that you may get that a lot,
but from the bottom of my heart, Thank You. My thoughts about bodybuilding have taken off
more than ever."
Charles Grant
"I have received and have watched most of the videos. You demonstrate a great
sense of knowledge."
Budge Collinson
"I am pleased with the job you did with the Seminar video. The training part and
the nutrition diet are perhaps the best. I like the fact that, no matter how many routines
or things that we see coming out every month in the magazines, you still stay true to your
beliefs. This gives me even more reason for me to keep going for it. Excellent review on
the supplements as well. You kept it simple and didn't turn that part into an ad. Of
course, the motivation part of the video (or anything that you do, for that matter) is
always one of your strongest points. Just like all your other videos, I can't get enough
of it. The quality is great, I highly would recommend it to any one who is looking for
those secret strategies or methods that as you said are not there. By seeing this video
anyone would find out what is the real secret to accomplish their physique goals. Perhaps,
even other goals in life as well. Skip, take care and keep up coming out with great
Jorge Pavon
Elizabeth, NJ
Skip La Cour’s
Live Bodybuilding and Training
Seminar Video
(Three-Tape Presentation; almost 3 hours)
Skip La Cour supplies the knowledge you
need to finally reach your bodybuilding goals! La Cour, national champion drug-free
bodybuilder, book author, and speaker, has emerged as a leader in the world of
bodybuilding by unselfishly sharing his winning strategies in the areas of training,
nutrition, supplementation, motivation, and more.
His easy-to-understand, yet highly-effective style of
communicating makes him one of the most popular bodybuilding coaches in the sport today.
He is master at using colorful metaphors and analogies. And, because he uses his own,
real-life examples, La Cour makes even the most complex issues seem simple.
Low Price: $59.99
(Plus S&H)