The Biggest Changes I’ve Made To My Diet As I’ve Gotten Older

I would never have thought I could look this great at 61 years old while putting so little importance on things I believed were mandatory to becoming an awesome, competitive bodybuilder.

This is a perfect system for you if you’re a little older with a busy, productive life that you must keep intact.

I get asked several times a day about my diet. This is the way I’ve been living for about the last year or so. Many of these habits have been a standard part of my life for much longer. But, as I took everything up to a higher level here at almost 58 years old, here are all of the pieces.

(If you want help putting together a training program and an eating plan that works for you, fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of this page.)

Typical Day

Wake up 4 am – About 1 hour of moderate cardio. Writing, planning, setting goals, writing video scripts, podcasts, scripts, and blog posts. And spending too much time on social media.

About 5:00 am – Train/Shoot videos; get back home to start my workday.

Meal #1 – About 7 am to 8 am – 6 whole eggs; about 2 cups of oatmeal; one avacado.

Meal #2 – About Noon am to 1 pm – about 5 ounces of chicken breasts; about 2 cups of white rice; one-pound of frozen vegatables, one avacado.

Meal #3 – About 6 pm to 7 pm – about 5 ounces of chicken breasts; about 2 cups of white rice; one-pound of frozen vegatables, one avacado.

Maybe snacks like apples and bananas during the day.

Family and business are my priorities. I’ve found a way to stay fit while setting up my life like this. Of course, this is relative to who and what you are comparing them to. But things are set up much, much more like this compared to when I was a competitive bodybuilder.

✔️ No pre-workout meals

✔️ No intra-workouts meals

✔️ No post workout meals

✔️ No focus on or concern for meal timing

✔️ No focus on or concern for meal frequency

✔️ No focus on or concern for “nutrient timing”

✔️ I drink no more than a 1/3 of a gallon of water every day.

I go to bed about 8:30 pm every night with my kids on my lap and get ready to it all over again.

Fill Out This Questionnaire And Tell Me About Your Current Diet And Your Challenges

    What's Your Biggest Fitness Challenge Right Now?
    What do you need to know at this stage that you're at right now? This will give me an idea of how I can help you best.

    Full Name

    Your Age

    Your Email

    Telephone Number

    Are you okay with me sending you a text or giving you a personal phone call?

    Skype Address or Whatsapp

    Time Zone

    Take the time to tell me more about yourself, your goals, and your challenges.

    How long have you been working out on a consistent basis?
    (It's perfectly fine if it hasn't been long. I'm here to help you.)

    Which social media platform did you find me on?

    How long have you been following my career, material, and work?

    What do you most want to change today?

    Have you tried to change this before?

    What have you attempted in the past that didn't work?

    Why do you think it didn't work?

    On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to achieve change today?

    Do you currently work out in a commercial gym? If not, what are you doing for exercise?

    What other areas of your life do you want to change (if any)?

    What's the #1 BENEFIT you think you'll get from my knowledge, guidance, and personal attention?

    Thank you for you being here.
    Who knows? I could give you a personal phone call and/or text to help you work past your challenges. I might be moved by something you've written and reach out. I've discovered that spending just 10 minutes on the phone can be a huge help to someone who is confused and frustrated. If you do see a phone call or text from the 925 area code, that's probably me.

    Powerful 4-Week One-on-One Phone Coaching Program

    Need Help Putting Together A Diet That Works With Your Busy, Productive Life?
    (Fill Out The Questionnaire Below)

    If you are like most of the men who I’ve shared this with, my insight gave you some instant clarity.

    It puts a lot of the pieces you’ve been missing together, doesn’t it?

    I want to help you get a complete level of understanding that will help you get more out of your efforts now–and make your fitness journey much easier for the rest of your life.

    I’ve talked with a lot of men who are a little older now. Most of these men are really focused on their workouts, physical appearance, and overall health.

    They are totally committed and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

    One thing that I’ve noticed is just how CLOSE they are to finally figuring out how to train, eat, gain the muscle, and lose the damn fat!

    They’re this close to what I call “cracking the code”!

    But they’re just a little off in their thinking. It’s not a matter of effort. It’s not a matter of desire.

    They just need to tweak their thing a little.

    There’s just three or four things they don’t quite understand.

    These three or four things they don’t understand are throwing EVERYTHING OFF.

    They’re causing way too much confusion, frustration, and overwhelm.

    It’s a shame. There’s too much hard work and good intentions going to waste with these guys.

    They’re just wasting too much of their willpower, focus, energy, and time.

    If this sounds like you, I want to help you finally break through.

    I have a new, powerful 4-week phone coaching program.

    Every week for four straight weeks, we’ll meet on my special conference line and I’ll coach you privately.

    That’s right. Just you and me.

    Every phone coaching session is recorded so you’ll continue to learn from each one.

    You’ll fill out the questionnaire down below before we even begin our 4-week journey. That way, I’ll know everything about you and you’ll get even more clear on exactly what it is you want.

    Before every one of our four coaching sessions (at least one hour before), you’ll fill out this form. This will get you clear, focused, and outcome-driven. This will help me be prepared to give you everything you want–and everything you need during our coaching session.

    Actually, you’ll get even a lot more.

    After every session (the day after our session when what we discussed settles in), you’ll fill out this form. This will help you reflect back, get even more from our session, and help me plan the next steps.

    Again, all four coaching sessions are recorded and you’ll learn even more from the audio recordings every time you listen to them in the future.

    As you can see, my 4-week coaching system is a lot more structured and planned out than just two men talking about training and eating strategies on the phone.

    You’ll end your confusion, frustration, and overwhelm with my over 30 years of experience. You’ll move forward with the confidence you need to succeed.

    And, you’ll have the insight and knowledge you need to succeed FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

    I usually take my guys on 12-week coaching journeys but I’ve found that many can get the information they need to move forward in four weeks. And, it’s more affordable than 12 weeks too.

    If you’re interested, fill out the questionnaire down below FIRST. Submit that to me right away.

    Then, let’s talk on the phone for a few minutes. We’ll see if it’s a good fit first.

    There’s no obligation on your part to enroll in this powerful 4-week coaching program if you just want to talk to me and learn more.

    I’ll only take you on if I feel you are ready. The last thing I want is for you to try and fail. 

    I only have a few spots right now so hurry and contact me.

    Fill out the questionnaire below. Submit it to me right away. Then, call me now at (925)954-8653.

    I look forward to talking with you and going on this journey with you.

    As you can see, my 4-week coaching system is a lot more structured and planned out than just two men talking about training and eating strategies on the phone.

    I only have a few spots right now so hurry and contact me.

    Fill out the questionnaire below. Submit it to me right away. Then, call me now at (925)954-8653.

    Skip La Cour
    The World’s Leading MANformation Expert
    Six-Time National Champion Drug-Free Bodybuilder
    [email protected]

    P.S. Take action now. Get ahold of me today if you want to discuss getting one of these 4-week coaching spots. (925)954-8653

    Fill Out This Questionnaire And Submit It Right Away

      Full Name

      Your Age

      Your Email

      Telephone Number

      Skype /Whatsapp (Optional)

      Time Zone

      Which social media platform did you find me on?

      How long have you been following my career, material, and work?

      What do you most want to change today?

      Have you tried to change this before?

      What have you attempted in the past that didn't work?

      Why do you think it didn't work?

      On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to achieve change today?

      What other areas of your life do you want to change (if any)?

      What's the #1 BENEFIT you think you'll get from my knowledge, guidance, and personal attention?

      Thank you for your request.
      Did you take your time and fill out the questionnaire thoroughly? I award those men who do with even more special attention.