About Skip La Cour

Skip La Cour

At 62 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men.

La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym.

La Cour helps older men with busy, productive lives make sense out of all the extreme and oftentimes conflicting fitness information. He helps older men with busy, productive lives use their willpower, focus, energy, and time efficiently to reach their fitness and overall life goals with the most effective, age-appropriate systems and strategies.

Skip La Cour is an accomplished success and accountability coach, speaker, and author with over 35 years of experience in the personal development and motivation field. The one-on-one coaching programs, group coaching programs, and live seminars that he conducts around the world help men break through their challenges, reach their true potential , transform their lives, and achieve their dreams. Skip helps successful men become even more successful. The massively-successful MANformation The Mindset and Actions of a POWERFUL Alpha Male Leader audio seminar course has helped thousands of men learn powerful and effective strategies that build confidence and leadership skills.

Not only does La Cour teach the organizing principles of success in life to men of all different ages over the globe, he is a six-time national drug-free bodybuilding champion and whose leadership  and advice on the SkipLaCour.com website continues to guide bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts at every different level of experience and interest.

Acknowledged for his personal accomplishments, Skip appeared on an Anthony Robbins Personal Development infomercial that was televised all over the world for over three years.

In this video, I talk about the fitness journey that’s ahead of you.

To learn more about my one-on-one fitness coaching, go here.

Read what it is all about. Fill out the questionnaire.

You can also call or text me at 925-352-4366. WhatsApp is +19253524366. We’ll set up some time to talk to see if one-on-one coaching is a good fit for you.


Skip La Cour specializes in helping adult men get their lives back on track and recreate the lives they always dreamed of having. When examining your life, do you find yourself wondering, “Is this is as good as it gets?” or “Is this all there is?” Do you ever wonder how your life ended up in the place where it is today? Has life challenged you with a few unexpected “curveballs” and you aren’t really sure how you’ll ever recover? Have you settled for “survival mode” and have been there for so long that you don’t even remember the dreams you once had as a younger man?

Change in life is inevitable. Unfortunately, not all of it is the kind we hoped to experience. Settling for a career that is far beneath our expectations, suffering financial setbacks, being unable to break free from unhealthy and unhappy relationships, and allowing our bodies to become unhealthy and out-of-shape, and how these situations make feel about ourselves continually challenge the best of us. It’s not necessarily what happens in your life that makes it good or bad— it’s how effectively you deal with what happens to you.

Now is the time to design a new you. Skip La Cour will empower you with the mindset and skills you need to create a new vision and direction for your life.

So, why should you hire a coach? Doing so will empower you with the skills you need to build upon your current level of success and achieve your highest goals. A coach will get you to that “next level” that isn’t always an easy place to get to all by yourself. As you and your coach work to achieve your “next level” through consistent and measured action, you will be gaining invaluable insight into how to generate life success in the future.

Skip La Cour will challenge you, make you accountable, and keep you focused. He’ll help you get clear vision of what you really want in your life—and go after it with more certainty and confidence. You’ll discover what’s stopping you and learn effective strategies to overcome these debilitating obstacles. His clients have gone on to apply the skills of self-discipline and self-control to create extraordinary success in other areas of their lives.

You’ll choose what areas of your life you want to work on and which direction you want your life to go. La Cour’s skills and experience will help get you there. You will perform more in all areas of your life with your new direction, sense of purpose, and focused accountability. Whatever it is you are after, Skip La Cour will personally coach you to achieve any or all of your goals.

The World’s #1 Online Bodybuilding, Men’s Health, Fitness, and Motivational Coach

Skip La Cour
Skip La Cour has 30 years of heavy involvement in the personal development/motivation business and over 20 years in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. This unique combination of disciplines that La Cour developed has given him the tremendous ability to create instant change for every man who wants to improve his body, mind, and spirit effectively, efficiently, and in the shortest period of time.

He’s written 10 books, produced eight DVDs, and five audio seminar courses that have helped thousands of men at all different levels of bodybuilding and fitness reach their goals in over 53 countries around the world. La Cour is a six-time national drug-free champion bodybuilder. He has won 15 bodybuilding competitions in his career. At the peak of his competitive bodybuilding reign, he was the most recognized drug-free bodybuilder on the planet. As a proven leader, he continues to guide people all over the world as a success coach in bodybuilding and training and men’s leadership skills on his SkipLaCour.com website.

Follow Skip La Cour On Social Media

Make sure that you’re on all of Skip La Cour’s social media platforms so you don’t miss anything. Every social media platform has a different “language” and a different way for you to learn. Be sure to ask questions in the comments sections too.

YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin all @skiplacour. Facebook is at @SkipLaCourPage.

Contact Skip La Cour

[email protected]