As you may know, my background has allowed me to help hundreds of men around the world become their very best both inside AND outside of the gym.
That’s what MANformation is all about.
With my extremely busy work schedule and family life, I’ve been very selective with who I’ve done one-on-one time coaching with.
I’ve put the men who want to build all aspects of their lives to the top of the list. I’ve gone on many 52-week journeys of growth and personal development with them.
I love going on the journey with my guys more than you’ll ever know. It’s my passion. It’s my mission.
I’ve had a lot of requests for personal, one-on-one bodybuilding and training coaching over the years. Most of the time, I would offer one of my awesome courses and reserve the one-on-one time.
I’ve learned that I can do both at the same time extremely well.
That’s why I am now offering personal, one-on-one BODYBUILDING, TRAINING, and NUTRITION PLAN coaching for 12-week periods of time.
Here’s What You Can Expect During Our Time Together
You’ll get custom workouts personally from me (not a staff member).
You’ll get custom eating plans from me. I’ll eventually provide you with the exact calories and macro breakdown.
You’ll get email support and text support throughout our entire journey.
You’ll get weekly check-ins with weekly adjustments.
The best part is that we’ll talk on the phone for about an hour every single week for 12 weeks. You’ll also get an audio recording of every coaching session.
I’ll then do what I do the best. I’ll work on your mindset so you’ll have the mentality of a six-time national drug-free champion cemented in your mind and body forever.
After this type of structure, accountability, and total immersion, you’ll have the knowledge and experience that will be with you for the rest of your life. The code will finally be cracked forever.
If you are interested, fill out the questionnaire below.
We’ll set up a time to talk on the phone. I won’t make any decisions until I’ve talked with you on the phone.
I only work with the most committed men and I want to make sure I can help you reach your goals and meet your expectations.
I can only do this for a few people every 12 weeks for obvious reasons. Don’t get pushed back onto the waiting list.
Think BIG!
Skip La Cour
The World’s Leading MANformation Expert
Six-Time National Champion Drug-Free Bodybuilder
Fill Out This Questionnaire
Congratulations for stepping up and taking action. This is the very first step that you must take to achieve your fitness goals and create the life that you really want.
This questionnaire will help you get the very most out of our time together. Not only will it help me learn more about you and better serve your needs, it will help you gain more clarity as to what you want and what may be stopping you from getting it.
I will contact you about your upcoming coaching session with an email or a phone call with 48 hours after you’ve answered all the questions below and submitted this form.