Prepare For Your Next Coaching Session

To get what you really want in any situation in life, you really have know exactly what you want long before you even enter the situation. This success principle certainly applies to every single coaching session that you have with me.

Get the very most out of the investment you are making in yourself and your goals by taking whatever time is needed to completely fill out this form. Submit your completed form to Skip at least 24 hours before your next coaching session.

The time that you spend filling out this form before your coaching session will force you to continually reflect back on your past week and recognize your victories, identify the challenges that stand in your way, and get clear on your intended outcome. It will also help Skip use all the resources that are available to him to help you during your journey toward success.

    Full Name

    Your first and last name.

    Your Email

    By placing your email here, you will receive your own copy


    What do you consider to be your 3 top achievements since our last session?


    What challenges are you facing you now?

    Take Away

    What would you like to accomplish and take with you from our session?

    Suggestions / Comments

    Anything you would like Skip to know or would help you in furthering your coaching experience?