GOOD MORNING! It’s a brand new day and this . . . is our Morning Connection!

FREE MANformation Audio Course

Get ready for your daily dose of “MTC” (Mental Toughness Conditioning) as Skip La Cour motivates you to take action and create the overall quality of life that you REALLY want.

The only way you are going to get from where you are now to where you really want to be in life is by stimulating NEW THOUGHTS on a consistent basis. When you introduce those new thoughts, you can’t help but start taking new actions. Simply thinking the same old thoughts and then just doing what you’ve always done isn’t going to work.

Skip La Cour, one-on-one peak performance coaching specialist and 6-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder, and creator of the MANformation Confidence and Leadership personal development program for men, helps you become your very best with the motivational series of Morning Connection podcasts.

Click here to download and listen to the podcasts.



At 61 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.

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