As older men striving for better health and fitness, it’s important to adopt principles that ensure long-term success. One of the most important lessons we can apply to our journey comes from a simple concept: setting and maintaining personal standards. Too often, we give a 6 or 7 effort but expect results as if we gave a full “15 out of 10.” effort. This isn’t just about the physical act of working out or eating right—it’s about the mindset behind it.

Know What You Want

Before you begin any fitness journey, it’s crucial to know exactly what you’re aiming for. It’s not enough to simply show up at the gym or follow a diet plan. You need a clear goal in mind. Ask yourself: Do I want to build muscle? Shed body fat? Improve my endurance in and out of the gym?

Too many men start without a clear vision, and as a result, they let the day’s challenges dictate their progress. Instead, approach each workout with purpose. Decide in advance how hard you’ll push and what results you want to achieve. This clarity makes it easier to stay focused, even when motivation wanes.

Be Honest About Your Effort

Many times, we convince ourselves we’re giving it all we’ve got when, deep down, we know we’re not. It’s easy to rationalize that a 6 or 7 effort in the gym is enough. But if we’re honest, we know that we can push harder. When results don’t match our expectations, we must face the truth: Did we put in the work? Or did we hope for success while giving a half-hearted effort?
Real progress begins when we’re willing to admit that we need to step up our game.

Effort, Energy, and Attitude Matter

It’s not just about the number of reps or the miles logged. Your attitude, energy, and effort are what truly count. Anyone can go through the motions, but real change happens when you approach each session with purpose. Bring your best energy to the gym, engage fully with your nutrition, and tackle each day with a positive mindset.

Even on the hard days, when motivation is low and excuses creep in, remember that you owe it to yourself to put in the effort. Progress isn’t about perfection, but it’s about showing up consistently with everything you’ve got.

Hold Yourself to High Standards

One of the most important elements of health and fitness is personal accountability. It’s easy to make excuses when we don’t meet our goals, but those who see the most success are the ones who hold themselves to higher standards. You shouldn’t need your wife or workout partner to push you. Instead, internalize your own standards—whether it’s the number of workouts you do in a week or how well you stick to your nutrition plan.

If you can look yourself in the mirror and say that you put a “15 out of 10” effort into your health and fitness, you’ll be able to live with the results, no matter what. But if you know you only gave a 6 or 7, don’t be surprised when your progress stalls.

It’s Okay to Fall Short, but Be Honest

No one is perfect. There will be days when you fall short of your expectations. The key is to be honest with yourself about why. Did you truly give it your all, or did you let distractions or laziness get in the way?

When you can admit that you didn’t put in full effort, you open the door to learning and improvement. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead, make a plan to give more the next day. Health and fitness are about consistency and honesty over the long haul.

By applying these principles to your fitness journey, you’ll not only see better results but also feel a deeper sense of accomplishment. Start each day by deciding what you want, bring the right attitude, energy, and effort, and hold yourself accountable to high standards. In the end, your body and mind will thank you for it.

Skip La Cour
Workouts for Older Men

Get My Help By Telling Me About Your Fitness Journey (At No Charge) By Filling Out The Questionnaire Below

Are you . . .

✔️ A little bit older?

✔️ You’re not satisfied with your results? You’re sick and tired of the body you’re carrying around and NOW is the time for you to take action?

✔️ You’re worn out from taking in all of the confusing, conflicting, and seemingly overcomplicated fitness advice from the extremely passionate and much younger fitness experts on the internet?

✔️ Maybe you already look much better than the other men your age–and you’re still not satisfied because you know you can get even better?

✔️ You live a busy and productive life?

✔️ You’re successful in other important areas of your life and you now demand that same level of success with your fitness—and you want it now?

✔️ It’s important that you keep your successful overall quality of life intact while you are mastering your fitness?

Congratulations for stepping up and taking action. This is the very first step that you must take to achieve your goals and create the body and life that you really want.

Your Coach,

Skip La Cour
Workouts for Older Men

Take These Easy 3 Steps

1. Text Me Your Picture and Introduce Yourself. Text me a picture at 925-352-4366 so I can see where your body is now. I’ll be able to help you even better. A picture does indeed tell me a “1,000 words” and we’ll be more efficient with our time when we speak on the phone. Whatever you feel comfortable with is fine. I can tell a lot even with your shirt one.

2. Schedule You Time With Me. Schedule a day and time to talk with me here.

3. Fill Out The Questionnaire Below. This questionnaire will help me learn more about you. Not only will it help me learn more about you and better serve your needs, it will help you gain more clarity as to what you want and what may be stopping you from getting it.

Expect me to reach out to you very soon. I’ll contact you by text, phone call, or email.

Fill Out This Questionnaire For Older Men

    What's Your Biggest Fitness Challenge Right Now?
    What do you need to know at this stage that you're at right now? This will give me an idea of how I can help you best.

    Full Name

    Your Age

    Your Email

    Telephone Number

    Are you okay with me sending you a text or giving you a personal phone call?

    Skype Address or Whatsapp

    Time Zone

    Take the time to tell me more about yourself, your goals, and your challenges.

    How long have you been working out on a consistent basis?
    (It's perfectly fine if it hasn't been long. I'm here to help you.)

    Which social media platform did you find me on?

    How long have you been following my career, material, and work?

    How tall are you? How much do you currently weigh? How much do you want to weigh?

    What do you most want to change today?

    Have you tried to change this before?

    What have you attempted in the past that didn't work?

    Why do you think it didn't work?

    On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to achieve change today?

    Do you currently work out in a commercial gym? If not, what are you doing for exercise?

    What other areas of your life do you want to change (if any)?

    What's the #1 BENEFIT you think you'll get from my knowledge, guidance, and personal attention?

    Are you ready RIGHT NOW to make this change?

    Thank you for your interest.
    I will contact you within 24 hours. If you do see a phone call or text from the 925 area code, that's probably me.


    If there’s more you want to tell me about your situation and you’ve already submitted your questionnaire, send me an email at [email protected]

    Welcome to the Workouts for Older Men Fitness Journey

    In this video, I talk about the fitness journey that’s ahead of you.

    To learn more about my one-on-one fitness coaching, go here.

    Read what it is all about. Fill out the questionnaire. Read testimonials for me like you here.

    You can also call or text me at 925-352-4366. WhatsApp is +19253524366. We’ll set up some time to talk to see if one-on-one coaching is a good fit for you.


    At 62 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.

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