There are more productive and positive ways to motivate yourself than to focus on the HATERS. In the long run, it wil hurt you. You never want to link the potential emotional PAIN to the success your hard work will bring you. At least on a subconscious level, it will make your journey tougher than it has to be. You don’t want to ingrain the thought into your mind “When I work hard to get THIS, I will also get THAT (negativity from other people).
Don’t Use The “Haters” To Motivate You

Skip La Cour
At 62 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.