Author: Skip La Cour

At 61 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.

In your pursuit to build the physique you desire, you will undoubtedly run into challenges along the way. It doesn’t matter if your aspiration is to become a national-level competitive bodybuilder or simply build a little muscle while cutting body fat; your commitment to continue working toward your goals will eventually be tested. Now, I know that sounds negative, but I’m simply stating reality. Obstacles, problems, or challenges, whether they are something physical, like an injury, or mental, like an unfair placing in a contest, can check the level of your inner strength, will, and desire. How you choose to…

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We all know how important our training performance is to developing our physiques. There are many different approaches to effectively build muscle and you’ve probably had at least some success with many of them. Go to any bodybuilding website and you’ll probably be able to find several training strategies that, if applied properly to your workout regimen, could become catalysts which produce growth beyond your wildest dreams. But why is it that one strategy works extremely well for one person while the same one works fails to produce for someone else? The key is how to properly apply that strategy…

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This single lesson could possibly be the “breakthrough” secret that propels you into a whole new level of growth because you will learn to utilize the skills and strategies that are already producing successful results in other areas of your life and apply them to your endeavors in the gym. Learning to use the factors that you know already motivate you, instead of relying on someone else to “pump you up” or convince you why you should give your utmost effort, will obviously be more effective immediately and in the long run. The key to using your mental and physical…

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Your weight on the scale is NOT your number one indicator of success. Some guys place far too much importance on the number they see on the scale. What they’re not getting is that it’s not about gaining weight, it’s about gaining high-quality, lean muscle weight. The mirror is a far better yardstick for measuring your success.

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RESULTS are what matter most. Never become satisfied just because you get a lot of tasks checked off your list or use strategies that your friends all agree are the “best” if you aren’t getting the RESULTS you really want.

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Don’t waste your time asking anyone what your ‘potential’ is to build a great physique. In life, you either do or you don’t do. PERIOD. Potential doesn’t mean much in the battle between ‘You Versus You.’

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Most people who can’t get on track with their bodybuilding and training efforts can’t do so because they have conflicting goals, values, and priorities going on in OTHER AREAS of their lives–not because they don’t have the ‘right’ combination of strategies. They just don’t realize it

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Every single action you take toward your ultimate bodybuilding goal is important. Put 100 percent of your focus and attention into EVERYTHING you do at the time you are doing it. However, once it’s done–it’s done. It’s no longer important. It’s now the action step that’s immediately in front of ou that’s ‘the most important thing in the world.

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Don’t commiserate with all the other people who will gladly agree with your limiting beliefs about what is and isn’t possible. You may feel better in the short term–but you’ll compromise your chances of accomplishing anything AMAZING in your life.”

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How badly do you want to build an outstanding physique? How hard are you willing to work to achieve the body you really want? Most importantly, what are you willing to sacrifice in order to earn the quality build you desire? Many people in this world want to have an extraordinary physique, but very few are willing to pay the price necessary to get it. How about you? Anything in life that is worth achieving comes with a price tag. In terms of your overall quality of life, what price are you willing to invest in order to achieve your…

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