Author: Skip La Cour

At 62 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.

How Many REPS PER SET Is Best For Older Men? Reps per set. How many is best? The information you need to get the best results form your efforts seems confusing, doesn’t it. Even something as simple as reps per set. In this video, I tell you how many reps per set you need to do to achieve your goals as an older man with a busy, productive life. After watching this video, you’ll know how to construct a plan that works best for your specific goals and your personal preferences. You’ll also understand why you’ve heard so many different…

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Man Boobs! That unsightly, stubborn body fat that collects around your chest area. Even when you work hard in the gym, watch what you eat, and look better than most men your age, it’s still really tough to lose the man boobs when you’re older. So, what’s the solution? Are there certain chest exercises that will get rid of your man boobs? Are there special training routines that will get rid of your man boobs? How about reps per set? If you do more reps during every set, will that get rid of your man boobs? In this video, I…

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By Skip La Cour Text me at 925-352-4366 Get Even More Tips Here Can you handle the truth? Most older men can’t. No matter what they say, they can’t. And, because they can’t, the information you need to hear never gets told. It goes against the grain. It gets too much resistance from untrained minds. So, why bother? These are just a few of the things that elite, experienced men who workout and look great (and have for a long time) want to tell you, but they know you just won’t understand. They know that you are getting the majority…

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Watch Video The way you’re eating is having a major impact on the way you look. Although we know this, eating in a way that supports our efforts is something that many older men simply don’t put a high enough priority on. We can’t avoid eating right. There’s no need to overcomplicate the process. Go here to see how I eat now that I’m older. I compare it to the way I used to eat in the past when I was younger. THE BIGGEST FITNESS CHALLENGES OLDER MEN FACE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS 12 MODULE 11-HOUR AUDIO COACHING EXPERIENCE Tired of…

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Heavy Weight: Is It Important To Work Out With Heavy Weight When You Are A Little Older? How important is lifting heavy weight when you’re trying to build muscle as an older man? You hear so many different things from the much younger, extremely passionate fitness experts all over social media. Most of them warn you to be careful because you’re more likely to get hurt when you’re older. They also tell you that it’s “impossible” to gain significant muscle mass as an older man. Is that true? And, if it is, is it because you are supposed to lift…

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How To Lift Heavy Dumbbells For Bench Press So, you’re a little older now and you want to know how to lift heavy dumbbells for bench press. You want to know how to get the dumbbells up for bench press. Dumbbell chest press is a great exercise. You don’t have a training partner. You want to lift heavier dumbbells. You want to lift them safely. How to lift heavy dumbbells properly. In this video, you’ll learn about setting up for heavy dumbbell press without a training partner and how can I lift heavy weights without injury. If you’re wondering “why…

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Watch Video So, you’re a little older now and want to be more vascular. You want that veiny look. You want your veins to be more visible. You want your veins to pop out. You want veins running down your arms and throughout your entire body to show off your hard work. In this video, I tell you exactly what it takes to be more vascular. I’m simple and direct to help you understand what you’ll need to do to make the veins more visible in your arms, legs, chest, and all over your entire body. I also take this…

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Watch Video There is a saying that goes “If everything is important then nothing is.” Too many older men with busy, productive lives are doing a poor job of prioritizing what they’re doing to get and stay healthy and fit. Too many older men with busy, productive lives are doing a poor job of properly allocating their limited amount of willpower, focus, energy, and time. It’s not your fault, if you’re doing this too. I’ll explain why in this video. I also explain why nutrition determines 80% of the way you look and feel despite what you often hear from…

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Watch Video In this video, I tell you how to use wrist straps and why you should use them to build more muscle faster. I tell you how to put on wrist straps and a lot more. What are wrist straps for? Do wrist straps help lifting? How do you use wrist wraps? How to use wrist straps properly? Do I need wrist wraps for weight lifting? How to use single loop lifting straps? How to use wrist straps with dumbbells? I answer all of these questions and more in this video about how to use wrist straps. Whether they…

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Watch Video If you can’t follow through with your good fitness habits, you’re not convinced doing so will make your life any better. You either need to do a better job of selling yourself that being fit will make your life better, take care of the other areas of life causing you more stress first, or do them at the same time. I talk about this and more in this video. TEXT ME IF YOU RELATE TO THIS MESSAGE Tell me your story. Text me a picture and introduce yourself. I will assess your progress and give you feedback. If…

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Watch Video In this video, I tell you three time and energy saving workout tips that many older men don’t understand. When you make these changes to your training, you’ll be far more productive and a lot less time. You’ll be able to use the willpower, focus, energy, and time that you saved to take the rest of your life to higher levels and earn an amazing, healthy and fit body too. THE BIGGEST FITNESS CHALLENGES OLDER MEN FACE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS 12 MODULE 11-HOUR AUDIO COACHING EXPERIENCE Tired of trying to get the fitness information you need from too…

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Watch Video Weight on the scale is a measurement that many older men focus on when they want to build muscle, lose body fat, or do both at the same time. If you don’t understand how to properly evaluate your progress when measuring your weight on the scale, you’re going to run into a lot of challenges meeting your fitness goals. I talk about this and more during this video.

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The Top 5 Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face Watch Video In this video, I outline the Top 5 biggest fitness challenges that older men with busy lives face. I also offer the solutions to these huge challenges. If these are the same challenges you’ve been going through, you’re certainly not alone. Because of my continual coaching and connection with men all over the world, I hear the same frustrations and misinterpretations every single day. These are the biggest challenges I’ve discovered that smart, successful men like you face. Watching this video will help you put an end to a…

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Watch Video Are You Overtraining? Are you overtraining? How do you know if you are over training? Is overtraining preventing you from building more muscle and losing that last stubborn 10 or 15 pounds of body fat? In this video, I will help end your confusion about overtraining. I will explain what overtraining is and what it is not. If you don’t like the way you look in the mirror and you think overtraining may be causing your dissatisfaction, you’ll have more clarity after watching this video. You’ll be one step closer to “cracking the code” and figuring out the…

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WATCH VIDEO FIRST The “Dirty Dozen”: 12 Reasons Why You’re Confused, Frustrated, And Being Mislead By The Fitness Experts By Skip La Cour Workouts For Older Men Podcast This blog post is going to upset a lot of fitness experts. They’ll no longer have an unfair advantage over you. It will make YOU extremely happy though. That’s my plan. This information will level the playing field. If you’re confused by all of the fitness information on the internet that’s being thrown at you, you’re certainly not alone. It’s the #1 challenge, by far, that older men who want to choose…

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Watch Video In this video, I tell you what’s going to create lasting physical and mental change now that you’re a little older. I’ll explain they key factors: 1. Clarity 2. Effective Strategies 3. Total Immersion (For A Period of Time) 4. Accountability 5. Get Emotionally Connected To Why This Is Important To You Do you have a question? Call or text me at 925-352-4366. Your Coach, Skip La Cour Workouts For Older Men

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How Many Exercises Per Workout? A very common question asked by older men with all varying degrees of dedication and length of time training is, “How many exercises per workout?” There are so many different fitness experts out there giving you conflicting information. I understand how frustrating this can be. Why can’t they all agree? Even when asking simple workout questions. Why is it this way? Well, it really depends on your understanding of what you’re being told and how well you execute what you’re told. Two different men can follow the exact same instructions and get two massively different…

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Workout Motivation For Older Men – 5 Tips To Get And Stay Motivated When You Are Older In this video, I tell you how to get and stay motivated when you’re a little older and live a busy, productive life. Do you need some workout motivation? Some workout motivation for men? More specifically, workout motivation for older men? Here’s some fitness motivation tips. Not just tips, top fitness motivation tips. I have some effective fitness motivation techniques that will get you going. Here’s what I explain: 1. Focus on your RESULTS (and not just the process). 2. Get clear on…

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Do I Have To Do Cardio To Lose Fat? “Do I have to do cardio to lose fat?” is a question that older men wanting to take their health and fitness to a higher level ask all the time. You’re a little bit older now and you want to lose your stubborn body fat. The fat just doesn’t seem to come off as easily as it did when you were younger. You’re willing to do the work. It’s just that your time is limited. You have a busy, productive life and you’re forced to manage your willpower, focus, energy, and…

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How To Lose Chest Fat Chest fat! You want to know how to lose chest fat now that you’re a little older. Some people call the chest fat “manboobs.” That unsightly, stubborn body fat that collects around your chest area. Maybe the chest fat you have isn’t bad enough to be called “man boob,” but you still want to get rid of it. You want to know how to reduce chest fat fast. Even when you work hard in the gym, watch what you eat, and look better than most men your age, it’s still really tough to lose the…

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