Author: Skip La Cour

At 61 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men, and Personal Development for Older Men. La Cour helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the Age Optimization System and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. Feel free to email Skip at any time at [email protected] with your questions and comments. Or, call (925)352-4366.

During this video, I tell you what it really takes to look youthful as you age. I also reveal some of the very best training and mindset “secrets” that older men with busy, productive lives know and constantly execute. Skip La Cour The World’s Leading MANformation Expert Six-Time National Drug-Free Bodybuilder 12-Week Coaching For Older Men With Busy, Productive Lives [email protected] (213)973-8790 Get Free Lifetime Access Into The MANformation Workouts For Older Men Members Only Website Looking for workouts for older men? You’re a little older now and you want to get into great shape. You’re looking for workouts for…

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Do you want to be more powerful now that you’re a little older? Do you want to get your swagger back? Do you need to get your swagger back? Maybe you never had much swagger? Do you want to learn how the most powerful older men do it? During this video, I tell you the Top 10 best strategies that the most powerful older men in the world use to get their swagger back and live their lives to the fullest . . . while finishing up my MANformation back workout. Skip La Cour The World’s Leading MANformation Expert Six-Time…

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“How long should you work out?” Are you working out too little or too much? How do you know for sure? In this video, I tell you how long you should work out when you’re a little older to achieve your specific goals both inside and outside of the gym. Join me and other driven, older men on our . . . 12-WEEK FITNESS TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY Real. Lasting. Change. That’s what you’ll get from my 12-Week Fitness Transformation Journey For Older Men With Busy, Productive Lives ✔️ One-On-One Special Attention ✔️ Group Coaching Join my 12-Week Fitness Transformation Journey For…

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There’s nothing more frustrating than when you’re putting in the hard work but just can’t improve your stubborn lagging body parts. It doesn’t seem like you’re doing anything differently in the gym compared to what you’re doing for your more impressive body parts. What’s the answer? What might you be missing? If you could just figure that out, you’d be more than willing to do whatever it takes to solve this challenge. You’re that committed. In today’s show, I tell what you need to consider so that you can finally “crack the code” and improve your stubborn lagging body parts.…

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Are you looking for some great shoulder exercises? In today’s show, I tell you everything I think about and strive to execute when doing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses. I also tell you about my upcoming awesome 12-Week Fitness Transformation Journey. Click the link, watch the video, fill out the questionnaire, and submit it to me today because I want you to join me. I’ll personally call you on the phone and we’ll see if it is a good for for you. Join me and other driven, older men on our . . . 12-WEEK FITNESS TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY Real. Lasting. Change. That’s…

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What’s the right training routine? You hear so many different opinions. What’s the best training routine for YOU? What workout is going to help YOU reach your fitness goals? There are so many fitness experts offering so many different opinions. In today’s show, I tell you how to end all of the confusion and overwhelm. I tell you how to get on track and figure out which training routine is best for you. In this video, I’ll help you finally find the right training, workout, and style for you if you’re an older man with a busy, productive life. You’ll…

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If you’re a man who is a little older, look much better than most of the other men your age, and still want to get even better, you’ll want to watch today’s show. In today’s Workouts For Older Men LIVE show, I tell you what you need to know to finally lose that stubborn body fat. Most of the information that’s presented on how to lose body fat simply doesn’t apply to you. I explain why that is and offer the information that you must know to get to the next level. Join me and other driven, older men on…

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In today’s show, I talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Do you make them? Are they worth the time? I talk about this and a lot more during this Workouts For Older Men LIVE show. I’m really excited about my upcoming 12-Week Fitness Transformation Journey! I want YOU to join me and the other men who have already started their private, one-on-one coaching time with me. I tell you all about it in today’s Workouts For Older Men LIVE show. Join me and other driven, older men on our . . . 12-WEEK FITNESS TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY Real. Lasting. Change. That’s what…

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WATCH THIS VIDEO In today’s Workouts For Older Men LIVE show, I tell you what I think about and what I strive to execute when doing Triceps Pressdowns. I also tell you why “looking on the bright side” and recognizing that you’re doing “better than most” of the other men your age may be holding you back. I explain why your “positive attitude” may be preventing you from reaching your fitness goals and robbing you from fully enjoying your fitness journey. I’m really excited about my upcoming 12-Week Fitness Transformation Journey! I want YOU to join me and the other…

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By Skip La Cour, 57 years old Workouts For Older Men Why am I waking up scared? Maybe you know what I’m talking about. I often ask myself that question. Too often. What’s so different about today that has me feeling this way? Is today really different than any other day? Is my angst unjustified? Do I just need to get moving, have a cup or two of coffee, and wait a little while and my thoughts will be back to normal? Whatever normal is, right? Or, is this the way I should be feeling all of the time so…

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By Skip La Cour, 57 years old Workouts For Older Men Transformation. Damn. Do know how many times I’ve said to myself, “It’s time to get it together, Skip. It’s time to really take your life to the next level. I mean, REALLY this time!” Hundreds of times. I just said that to myself this morning. At 57 years old, I’ve learned that I will ALWAYS be in the middle of some sort of transformation. Physical. Mental. Emotional. Family. Business. Figuring out how this whole “life thing” is going to play itself out. And that’s a GOOD thing. The only…

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I would never have thought I could look this great at 55 years old while putting so little importance on things I believed were mandatory to becoming an awesome, competitive bodybuilder. This is a perfect system for you if you’re a little older with a busy, productive life that you must keep intact. I get asked several times a day about my diet. This is the way I’ve been living for about the last year or so. Many of these habits have been a standard part of my life for much longer. But, as I took everything up to a…

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WATCH VIDEO In this video, I talk about the most unrecognized, underutilized, and unappreciated source of power and motivation we all have available to us. I tell you how to use this power to reach your biggest goals both inside and outside of the gym. Are you a man who is a little bit older now, has a busy and productive life, and are more than willing to do the work required to earn a great body? Is your biggest challenge these days getting the information you need to get the results you want? Is your confusion over finding the…

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Learning How to Harness This Tremendous Power Will Launch Your Bodybuilding Efforts To A Higher Level When you look in the mirror, do you see a physique that’s pretty darn good by most people’s standards—but not quite good enough to make you 100 percent satisfied? When you walk out of the gym after a well-planned, properly executed workout, do you sometimes feel that a particular session was great—but deep inside you know you’ll have to raise your intensity a notch or two? That’s if, of course, you are to ever achieve the body you really want. Although you always hear…

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Good Just Isn’t Good Enough For You I talk with men just like you on the phone every single day. They’re a little bit older. They have busy, productive lives. They can’t “live” in the gym or think about workout strategies 24/7. But they want RESULTS. They DEMAND results and are willing to do the work. They look good for their age now. They know it. They appreciate this. Everyone in their family, at work, and in their social circles alway tells them how great they look too. It’s easy for these men like you to stand out and look better than the…

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How should you train when you get older? What are the best workouts for older men? What are the best strategies to follow when you want to look great when you get older? In this video, I tell you the best ways to go about your training and eating if you’re older and have a busy, productive life . . . while training shoulders. Skip La Cour The World’s Leading MANformation Expert Six-Time National Drug-Free Bodybuilder 12-Week Coaching For Older Men With Busy, Productive Lives [email protected] (213)973-8790

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Do you think it’s really difficult to find a woman who supports your dedicated bodybuilding lifestyle? In this video, I share some of the toughest life lessons I’ve learned about relationships. This insight didn’t come only from my personal experiences. It also comes from the ones I’ve observed of many men dedicated to the bodybuilding lifestyle just like you and me for almost 30 years. I know what you’re thinking. “Relationship advice from a former champion bodybuilder? What the heck can he possibly know about relationships that I need to know?” I get it. Although I’m reluctant, I explain why…

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Do you wonder if you’ll ever finally make it? Knowing that you have right mindset and strategies will alleviate that angst that’s building inside. Here’s how you’re going to get from where you are now to where you ultimately want to be. Here’s how you’re going to get from “Point a” to “Point B.” Here’s an effective plan moving forward: 1. VISION. Imagine your “perfect” life scenario that you’ll experience at a specific time in the future. This is your vision. This symbolizes that you did everything humanly possible to finally become the man you’ve always wanted to be. You…

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As you may know, my background has allowed me to help hundreds of men around the world become their very best both inside AND outside of the gym. That’s what MANformation is all about. With my extremely busy work schedule and family life, I’ve been very selective with who I’ve done one-on-one time coaching with. I’ve put the men who want to build all aspects of their lives to the top of the list. I’ve gone on many 52-week journeys of growth and personal development with them. I love going on the journey with my guys more than you’ll ever…

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Are you hardworking and talented but can’t get what you deserve? Do you notice other men getting more out of life with far less than what you have to offer? Your challenge may come from the meaning you’ve attached to the words humble, confidence, and cocky. What’s it mean to be humble? What the difference between being confident and cocky? In this MANformation Minute video, I’ll tell you my meanings for the words humble, confidence, and cocky. I’ll also tell you how they can all interact with each other to help you. Sincerely, Skip La Cour The World’s Leading MANformation…

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